The altarpieces are popular art sophisticated in the form of boxes-portable, full of figures of bright colors arranged in intricate scenes narratives. From the SIXTEENTH to the NINETEENTH centuries, the Spanish priests were altarpieces through the mountains as religious sanctuaries laptop to the catholic saints. Later, the indigenous people adapted them to include their own deities and mythologies.


The altarpieces are popular art sophisticated in the form of boxes-portable, full of figures of bright colors arranged in intricate scenes narratives. From the SIXTEENTH to the NINETEENTH centuries, the Spanish priests were altarpieces through the mountains as religious sanctuaries laptop to the catholic saints. Later, the indigenous people adapted them to include their own deities and mythologies.

Cosecha de maíz

The altarpieces are popular art sophisticated in the form of boxes-portable, full of figures of bright colors arranged in intricate scenes narratives. From the SIXTEENTH to the NINETEENTH centuries, the Spanish priests were altarpieces through the mountains as religious sanctuaries laptop to the catholic saints. Later, the indigenous people adapted them to include their own deities and mythologies.

Danza de la selva

The altarpieces are popular art sophisticated in the form of boxes-portable, full of figures of bright colors arranged in intricate scenes narratives. From the SIXTEENTH to the NINETEENTH centuries, the Spanish priests were altarpieces through the mountains as religious sanctuaries laptop to the catholic saints. Later, the indigenous people adapted them to include their own deities and mythologies.

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La alegría del retablo.

Fue alrededor de 1982 cuando Silvestre Ataucusi llegó a Ayacucho de su natal Vinchos, un distrito que guarda relación con la pujanza de su gente y la notable variedad y experiencia en el arte popular de la región.